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Happy New Year 2018!

Happy New Year 2018!

Hello everyone! This is Simone, and if you were expecting another IELTS update, sorry – that’s not happening today. To be honest, I’m not really sorry for that. In fact, I am quite happy we’re doing something different today – because occasionally in our life it’s more important to stop doing what we’re doing now and think about what we’ve already done, how far we’ve come, and where we’re going.

That’s what today is all about: reflecting on the past to prepare for the future.

What have you done in 2017? What achievements put a smile on your face when you think back and remember, what fills your heart with pride?

For most of us daily routine is our reality and in that fog hide all those out-of-the-ordinary moments, like mountain tops hide in the clouds.

My highest moments of 2017? Releasing the Spanish translation of “Target Band 7” – called “IELTS Objetivo Band 7” on Amazon Kindle and as paperback, that’s how 2017 started. Inspired by the popularity of Japanese translation of ‘Target Band 7’ book, I teamed up with Gabriel and Maria, two wonderful translators and native Spanish speakers, and after several months of work and numerous rounds of proofreading and refining, the book came out in January this year.

And that was just the beginning! Six more new books saw the light in 2017 – yes, I am talking about the High Scorer’s Choice series (IELTS practice tests). Previously these books were only available in digital edition but you asked and we listened, and in May 2017 these came out in paperback edition, on Amazon and in bookstores. This wouldn’t have happened without your input – so thank you, my awesome readers.

You also asked whether I’m working on new IELTS practice tests, and the answer is YES! There will be more practice tests books in 2018, we’re putting them together, but if you don’t have time to wait – there are new, free practice tests here, and also these paid online courses are really effective, they receive fantastic feedback.

There is also one, last thing I’d like you to know. Every time I think of you, people who visit, who read my books, who email me about their fears, doubts, struggle, and finally, success in IELTS – I feel blessed and lucky to have met you. You are the reason I work on this website and my IELTS books, you give my life purpose and meaning. Please know this – you can rely on me and IELTS-Blog team to help you get the score you need in IELTS. The feeling we cherish is one when YOU achieve great results, when YOU start a new chapter in life.

Dear test takers, I wish you great IELTS scores in 2018. Dear teachers and IELTS trainers – I hope that your students do wonderfully well, too! If you need any help – we’re going to be right here, supporting all of you in 2018, just like we have been doing for the past 12 years.

Happy New Year 2018!

IELTS test in Iran – December 2017 (Academic Module)

Our friend T took the IELTS test in Iran and remembered the following Writing and Speaking questions:

Writing testIELTS test in Iran

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given three maps of a town from three different years: 1700, 1950 and 2000. We were asked to compare and describe the changes of the town during these times.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

We were asked to discuss the effects of online shopping on jobs creation and environment, and to make suggestions how to improve its negative effects.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you do?
– Why do you do this?
– Are you going to continue this job in the future?
– Do you travel by bus?
– What do you prefer, buses or the underground train?
– Why is that?
– Do you think the government should do something about buses?
– How would you choose to travel in the future: by buses or trains?

Cue Card

Talk about an occasion when you have arrived early. Please say

– Where and when did it happen?
– Why did you arrive so early?
– What did you do while waiting?


– Is it common for you to arrive early?
– Is it more important to be on time for work than meeting with friends?
– Why can’t people be on time?
– Do you think that technology is a waste of time? Why?
– Do you know your neighbours?
– Do you think we should have a good relationship with our neighbours?
– Have you ever asked your neighbours for help?
– What do you prefer, older or younger neighbours? Why?