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IELTS test in China – December 2011 (General Training)

The following IELTS exam was shared by X from China. X didn’t remember the listening or the reading, but had a good recollection of the writing and speaking questions.

Writing test IELTS test in China

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You saw a newspaper job ad, of a nursing house looking for carers. You are interested in the position. Write a letter and say

– Why are you interested in this position?
– What relevant skills do you have?
– When could you start?

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Some people are interested in national news, while others think international news is more important. Discuss both views.

Speaking test


– Do you have a mobile phone?
– Do you use it to text messages or call other people? Why?
– Describe a trip where you had some problems with mobile phones.
– Do you like dancing? Why?

Cue Card

Describe an open air place that you like. Please say

– When do you go there?
– Where is this place?
– Why do you go there?
– Why do you think this is a good place for relaxation?


– Why do people feel more stressed these days?
– Why do people fail to feel relaxed even while staying at home?

IELTS Speaking test in the Philippines – December 2011

The following questions were shared by our kind friend B. who took an IELTS exam in the Philippines recently.

Speaking test IELTS test in Philippines


– What is your full name?
– May I see you ID card?
– Do you live in a city, a town or a village?
– Is it a nice place to live?

Cue Card

Talk about an old person that you know. Please say

– Who is he /she?
– What did you learn from him / her?
– How did you come to know him/her?


– Why is it important to have an old person in your family?
– Do you think that this old person in your family will help you after his/her retirement?