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IELTS test in Australia – November 2011 (General Training)

The IELTS exam below was shared by R – thank you for your contribution.

Listening test IELTS test in Australia

Section 1. Insurance inquiry related to kitchen door damage.

Section 2. Conversation between an Australian and a Canadian about bees’ cultivation process.

Section 3 and 4. Don’t remember.

Reading test

Passage 1. Childcare facility’s advertisement including timetable and other related information.

Passage 2. About sales letters in a form of direct mail or email. What is the best way to attract customers?

Passage 3. Information about a healthcare center including opening time, how to make an appointment, what to bring with you and so on.

Passage 4. Don’t remember.

Passage 5. About American film industry history: what contributed to its success, what causes the industry move to Hollywood, reasons of decreasing market share of other countries in the movie industry.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have been invited to your friend’s family event, but you couldn’t attend. Write a letter to apologize and explain:

– Why couldn’t you attend the event?
– Ask questions regarding the event.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Some people believe that a staff who has been working for long time in the company should be promoted to the senior level. What is your opinion about this matter?

Speaking test


– Describe a house that you live in now.
– Which part of the house do you like most?
– Do you really want to change any part of your house? Why?
– Do you enjoy watching TV? Why?
– Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with company?

Cue Card

Describe a family event that you have enjoyed a lot. Please say

– What was the event?
– What was the most enjoyable part of it?
– How important was this event to your family?


Don’t remember.

Priyanka was aiming at Band 7 in IELTS… but got Band 8, here’s how

Today I’d like to share an inspirational story with you. The reason why I feel it’s important for you to read it is very simple. We all are slaves of our beliefs. What we think about ourselves, defines our future. But here is the really important bit: this doesn’t have to work against us – it can work in our favour. Band 8 in IELTS

Everyone, meet Pryanka Verma, an IELTS test taker from India. Her first language is Hindi, and her dream was to get a Masters Degree in Physiotherapy from an Australian University. Guess what – she had to pass IELTS for this dream to come true, and she had to get Band 7 in every section.

She didn’t make it … in the first attempt. Or the second. But she did not let this destroy her dream – and in the third attempt she overshot her target, and got Band 8! Not surprisingly, Priyanka took the first place in our IELTS results competition in October, and we got a chance to ask her what her secret was. Here’s what she said:

“I was very much elated when I came to know that I got Band 8 in IELTS and my happiness was doubled when I won the IELTS Blog October competition.

I was preparing for IELTS since May 2011 and this was my third attempt. I wanted to pursue Masters in Physiotherapy from University of Sydney. For this course the minimum requirement is band 7 with minimum7 in all components but I got Band 8 with 7.5 in both speaking and writing, 8 in reading and 8.5 in listening. After submitting my IELTS result to university, same day I got unconditional offer for Master of Physiotherapy. So it’s a dream come true, but behind all this I have done lot of hard work to achieve this goal.

I want to share some of my experiences and tips to get a good score in IELTS. First of all I prefer smart work rather than spending hours in studying. I used to study 2-3 hours only but I did practice as if I am giving the real IELTS test. Also IELTS-Blog website, Target Band 7 book and Cambridge book for IELTS helped me a lot. I purchased the Target Band 7 book just 1 month before my exam and it was proved to be beneficial for me. But no book or website can give you success until you do a lot of practice.

I will suggest you to first rule out your weak points or where you need to put more efforts for example, for me it was writing. You should practice every section consistently, do not concentrate on one or two section only. Practice as many mock tests as you can, as this will help you during the actual day of test. Now I would like to give tips for all the four sections:

Listening: this is my favourite part of test, I practised listening by watching movies, listening to English songs and listening to news along with IELTS practice tests.

Reading: it was never a problem for me, I always got good scores in it. But I suggest you to follow Target Band 7 Book tips and practice as much as you can.

Writing: firstly you should make yourself aware that what the actual format for writing is. Secondly, always try to practice within the time limit so that you can revise and check your writing that increases the probability of getting good marks. Finally I will say that Target Band 7 book is complete guide for writing, just practice as it says.

Speaking: do not take speaking as a burden instead take it as a fun. Chat with friends and family in English, talk to yourself in English. Think as if you do not know any other language.

I wish all IELTS test takers good luck, and I hope my tips will help you further.