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IELTS Writing – Model Answer for a letter (from a recent exam in Israel)

The topic below was seen in a General Training IELTS exam in Israel, November 2011.

General Training Writing Task 1 IELTS model letter

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write a letter to a manufacturer to ask them to arrange production of a new item for you. Please say

– What item do you need?
– Why do you need it?

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer

To the engineering team at Quanta Manufacturing,

I am writing to you to request the production of a new bicycle chain that fits our Go Cycle model. Allow me to go into a bit of detail regarding the situation on our side.

Basically, we here at Sports World have received numerous customer complaints that the chains on our Go Cycles snap too quickly. As you can imagine, this has done little to support our brand positioning as a supplier of quality mountaineering goods.

After testing the chains, we realized that their defectiveness is due to their being made of subpar steel. Thus from this day forward, we would like you to manufacture Go Cycle chains using the highest grade of steel available to you. We realize this will affect the price and accept any new quotation you provide within reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Your professional partner,

Head of Purchasing
Sports World

This model answer was written for visitors by Ryan Higgins, an online IELTS instructor, blogger and author. For more of his free IELTS resources, visit his blog.

IELTS Speaking test in Ghana – November 2011

Our kind friend F from Ghana has shared his IELTS Speaking questions.

Speaking test IELTS test in Ghana


– Where do you come from?
– Why do you like the place where you live now?
– Is it a good place to raise children?

– When did you first use the Internet?
– How often do you buy things online?

– In your country, at what age do people celebrate their most important birthday?
– What do people do on their birthdays?

Cue Card

I’d like you to talk about a photograph you once took. You should say

– When you took it
– Who you took it with
– What it shows
– Why you like this particular photograph

Follow up question: Have your friends seen this photograph?


– Does one necessarily need skills to take a good photograph?
– What can you say about people who take good pictures, yet have no skills?
– Why do you think some people don’t like having their photograph taken?