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IELTS test in Pune, India – March 2011 (General Training)

The IELTS exam in India was shared by our kind friend A who managed to remember the following:

Listening Test

Section 1. A man was talking to an administrator of a Zoo about a future trip booking.

Section 2. A photographer was describing the photography of some animals.

Section 3. An employee was describing management problems at his previous job to the interviewer.

Section 4. A lecture about the history of a tribal society.

Reading Test

Passage 1. An article about how to prepare stamps from family photos.

Passage 2. Company rules and regulations on promotion for part-time and full time workers.

Passage 3. Description of 4 different apartments suitable for the elderly, painters and so on.
Questions: information matching.

Passage 4. Don’t remember.

Passage 5. Giant fish singing research history.

Writing Test

Writing Task 1 (a letter)

Rubbish is increasing in the area where you live. Write a letter to the local environmental officer and explain
– Where the rubbish is coming from?
– What problems is it causing?
– Suggest your solution for solving these problems.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays children are joining extra coaching classes apart from the school studies. Some think it is important for their future, others think the extra time should be spent playing. Do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test


– How are you today?
– May I see your ID?
– Do you think you manage your time well?
– How can one manage time well?
– When was the last time you gave a gift to someone? Why?
– Do you think it is easy to find gifts for others?

Cue Card

Talk about the vehicle you would buy in the near future, please say

– Why would you buy this vehicle?
– What would you use it for?
– What are the advantages of having such vehicle?


– Do you think traffic is a problem in big cities nowadays?
– Why is it increasing?
– What can be the solution to this problem?
– Is traffic network helpful in big cities?
– Do you think the problem with traffic will worsen in future? Why?

IELTS Speaking test in Sri Lanka – March 2011

Our friend N has shared the questions she was asked in her IELTS Speaking test in Sri Lanka:

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– What shall I call you?
– Do you work or study?
– What is the most interesting thing about your job and why?

– Do you like flowers and why?
– Do any flowers mean something special in your community?
– What are the occasions on which flowers are given as presents?
– Do people in your community tackle housework by themselves or not?
– What part of housework do you enjoy most?
– Is it necessary for children to participate in household chores?

Cue Card

Talk about the aspects of your life that you would consider changing to improve your health. Please say

– What are they?
– How would you change them?
– Do you think you could change them?


– What are the most common exercises in your area?
– Do adults and younger people engage in different workouts?
– What type of exercise do you think is better? Outdoor or indoor?

– Are eating habits now the same as they were in the past?
– Are they healthier now than then or not?
– We discussed the aspects that you would like to change in your lifestyle, do you think you will be able to succeed in doing that?