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IELTS Speaking questions from Hong Kong – January 2010

IELTS Speaking test in Hong Kong was shared by J. and her friend (thank you!), here are the questions they remembered:

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– What do you do, do you work or study?
– What are you studying?
– How do you like your major?

– How often do you hang out with friends?
– Would you prefer your friends visiting you at home or going out?
– Where do you go when you hang out with your friends?
– What are the leisure activities people would like to do in Hong Kong?

– Did you have your art lessons at school?
– Do you think children should have drawing / art classes at school?

Cue Card 1

Talk about what would you like to start doing as a leisure activity. You should say:
– what the activity is,
– where you would do this activity,
– will it be easy or difficult to do this activity.

Cue Card 2

Describe an old person that you know, you should say
– who he / she is,
– what is he / she like,
– where you met him / her.


– Do you know anyone who knows how to bake a cake?
– Think about the traditional leisure activities such as dragon boat racing, do you think we should neglect the old traditions and focus on the modern leisure activities?

IELTS exam in Pakistan – January 2010 (General Training)

IELTS exam in Islamabad, Pakistan was described by N., who found the updates from IELTS-Blog helpful and wanted to give back. We thank N. for his contribution, and here is what he remembered:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)
You have just arrived in an English speaking country to study a course. Before you left, your English teacher invited you to a dinner. Write a letter to him describing your present situation. In your letter include the following:
– Thank him for the dinner.
– Tell about your studies.
– Say how his advice helped you.

Writing task 2 (an essay)
Some people think that teenager years are the happiest years in a person’s life. Others believe adult life is much more happier despite of the family responsibilities. Discuss both, what is your opinion?

Speaking test

– What’s your name?
– How shall I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Can you tell me something about the place you came from?
– Tell me about sounds which you like and don’t like.
– How did you learn English?
– Tell me about a sound that reminds you of your childhood.

Cue card
Tell me about about a recent TV program that you didn’t like, you should say:
– what program it was,
– when you saw it,
– what it was about,
– why you didn’t like it.

Generally, the topics we talked about were about TV programs.
– Do you think that nowadays quality of TV programs has dropped?
– Do you think nowadays TV artists are getting a fair pay?
– What type of TV program do you like?