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IELTS Speaking questions from India, Denmark and Oman – November 2009

IELTS Speaking questions from India, Denmark and Oman were shared by the “three musketeers” (V., C., and R.), and thanks to their kindness we have the 3 following sets. Strangely, many of the questions were about TV and various programs on TV – make a note to yourself. Enjoy!

Speaking test 1

First there were the typical introductory questions.
– How well people are doing with sports?
– Should children get involved with sports at school?
– How the Internet has changed your life?
– What is the role of the Internet in people’s lives these days?
– How the Internet has played an important role in different communities?
– What website do you often visit and why?

Cue card
Talk about a course that you would like to do if you had a time, you should say:
– What sort of course that is,
– Why you chose this particular course,
– Whether it is easy for you.

– What in your opinion should be the qualities of a teacher?
– Think about people that are already settled, should education/learning finish for them?
– What is the process of learning in everyday life? Should there be any resistance?

Speaking test 2

The first part was about me:
– What is your full name?
– What do you do?
– Why did you choose this job?
– What do you do with people? (I was confused, and asked the examiner whether he means “what are your duties?”, he said yes.

Cue card
Talk about your favorite TV or radio program, you should say:
– How often do you watch or listen to it?
– Do you discuss the program with anybody?
– Why do you watch it or listen to it?

– What do you enjoy more, TV or radio? Why?
– Have you ever watched or listened to a foreign TV channel or radio?
– What are the differences between the programs in your country and the foreign TV and radio?
– Should governments place restrictions on TV, radio and Internet? Why / Why not?

Speaking test 3

– What do you do for work?
– Is there training needed to prepare you for this work?
– Do you still need training for this work?
– Do you watch TV?
– How often do you watch TV?
– What are the kinds of TV programs that you watch?
– Has watching TV helped you in your work?

Cue card
Talk about an exciting sport that you know of, you should say:
– what the sport is,
– how did you know about the sport,
– what makes the sport exciting.

– Why do people like extreme sports?
– Are extreme sports popular in your country?
– Are there a lot of sports on TV nowadays?
– Did you read books when you were a child?
– Do you still read books now?
– What kind of books?

IELTS in Malaysia – November 2009 (Academic Module)

IELTS exam in Malaysia was described by A. (thanks a lot!), who remembered only the topics from Writing and Speaking – but remembered them well! Here they are:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)
We had a line graph about the number of students enrolled in Engineering courses from 2006-2008, and there were predicted numbers for 2009-2010.
There were 3 lines to compare – Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical Engineering.

Writing task 2 (an essay)
We cannot help everyone in the world that needs help. Therefore we should only be concerned with our own communities or countries.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement above?

Speaking Test

– Where are you from?
– What is your home like?
– Which room you like most in your house?
– How would you improve your home?
– When was the last time you went shopping?
– When do you like to do shopping?
– Do you like to do shopping in big shops or small shops?
– What kind of shopping do you dislike?
– When did you first learn about the Internet?
– Do you think Internet is good?

Cue card
Describe your favorite activity during childhood, you should say:
– When was it?
– What was the activity?
– With whom?

– Do you think it is important for children to have group activities?
– Why is it so?
– What do you think about teenagers having their own groups?
– In your country, do the children have a lot of group activities like you’ve described above (in the cue card)?
– Why do you think so? (Yes or No)?
– Do you think the working life now has affected the relationship with your neighbors?
– Why is it so?