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IELTS exam in the UK – February 2009 (Academic Module)

This update was sent by our friend, IELTS candidate, from the UK where she took an Academic exam.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We got a pie chart and a table to compare.
The pie chart showed 4 countries of origin, that sent their residents on holidays to Australia and the table showed the length of their stay (e.g. 10 days), their accommodation (e.g. 4-5 star hotels and camping/caravan) and the main activities they have done on their holiday (e.g. sightseeing, surfing).

Writing Task 2 (essay)
After the students leave school, they are unable to get a job and thus become unemployed.
1. What impact it will have on the students themselves and the society when they become unemployed?
2. What do you think the government can do for the unemployed students?

Speaking test

Th examiner asked me some personal and general questions, such as
– where I come from,
– whether I like visiting museums,
– whether I like cooking,
– whether I am working or studying and
– why I choose nursing as my profession.

Cue Card
I had to talk for 2-3 minutes about a special present that I gave someone.

The examiner asked me
– why people like giving present to other people,
– when do we give presents in my country,
– why some people like giving homemade presents rather than buying them from a shop

Then he asked me about a bit about charity, like why people do not give charity anymore.

IELTS exam in India, Vijayawada – February 2009 (Academic Module)

This update is about a very recent Academic IELTS exam in India, Vijayawada. Many thanks to A for telling us!

Reading test

I remember the topics of two passages, one was about honey bees and the other about the language in the old days.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We had a pie chart and a table about tourists from different regions who visited a resort in Australia.

Writing Task 2 (essay)
What are the problems of unemployment and how can we eradicate it? Discuss, what is your opinion?

Speaking test

Some questions were about about my professional course and why have I chosen that particular course.
Then they were asking about shopping:
– Do you like shopping?
– When did you shop last?

Cue card

Describe a library you have been to. You should say
– Where is it
– How is it useful


Then they asked me more questions on library.