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IELTS Essay, topic: Education as a critical factor

“Some people say that the education system is the only critical factor to development of a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?”

Education plays a vital role in the development of a country. Therefore, some people think that the education system is the only important factor to the development of a country and they may be right.

Education is the foundation of developed society. It is rightly said, ‘education is a ladder success’. If all the people of any country are educated then they becomes broadminded, civilized and progressive. An educated society improves the standard of life as well.

, education also creates a good employment opportunity and therefore country does not have to suffer from big problems like unemployment. Educated peoples are more aware of such as pollution and many more. A country becomes technologically advanced because of educated people.

Not only this, but also by giving importance to education, the nations can get rid of problems like , poverty, unemployment and population growth that delay the progress of a nation. The crime rate can also be kept under . The standard of living of the people will go up. If the nations to be progressive it is very important that the people are more educated and progressive. Any country can become more technologically advanced and developed because of education.

However, there are other factors that also play an important role in the development of a country. Such as governments have to encouraged people to do so

In conclusion, I would like to say that a good education system will lead to a developed country.

This essay needs some work. It has a good structure and the sentences show enough fluency, but the last body paragraph needs to be corrected by adding another 2-3 sentences to it. In total, the number of words here is 235 which is under the required 250, that fact may cost you some marks. Also there are some repetition of words and grammatical errors. Overall, this looks like a Band 6 essay.

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a well
the word ‘problems’ repeats too many times
This paragraph is too small, continue it by adding another 2-3 sentences

IELTS Essay, topic: Learning about the past

Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Evaluation of the importance of timing is essential, past to show the importance of their present, while that to even remember their past because it would not help them at all. It is a very controversial and complicated matter.

, many people believe this statement, for many reasons. Firstly, all of us had made many mistakes which we would not like to remember, they will affect their present because they can create some problems with our families example. Secondly, instead of remembering those past trials, one should get the benefits of their present.

Regardless of what I said previously, many people are sticking to their past to give themselves a push in their present. It can give a way of learning from mistakes, and a good chance to try to avoid anything that once lead to a past failure.

Moreover, success will not come without failure, everybody should make an attempt, even if it fails, and it may become a big success if they try it again and again. In addition, our past is our culture and heritage which we should not forget at all, it is a matter of value to our present and future, and will remain such till the day will die.

To sum up, in my opinion, we can not live without a past, it is our value of life. it can help create your experiences and solve your problems better in the future.

This essay is too short – it should be at least 250 words, writing less words means getting penalized. The structure of sentences needs work and so does the grammar. Do not address the “audience”, write in general (See the comments for the last sentence of the third paragraph). Overall, this looks like a Band 6 work. See comments underlined in blue for more details.

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Poor sentence structure, needs work
others show
there is no need
Again, poor sentence structure
a person