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IELTS exam in Australia – November 2008 (Academic Module)

Here is what F from Australia remembers about the recent IELTS exam:

Writing test

Task 1 (report)
Task one was a bar graph. X axis: 4 categories of different housing types (detached/double detached/something else and flats). Y axis: new houses sold in thousands over a period of 4 years on in Somecountry.

Task 2 (Essay)
People in our societies tend to wear more fashionable clothes today then they used to. What do you think are the reasons? What is your opinion about that trend?

Speaking test

What is your hometown, what do you like most about your hometown, how did it change over the last years

What physical activity would you like to do more often (which activity, how often you do it, what are the benefits of doing it more often)

What are the benefits of sports, then public health (how to improve, should governments spend more money in it)

IELTS exam in Thailand – November 2008 (Academic Module)

First, I would like to thank J from Thailand for sharing with us her IELTS experience. Here is what happened:

“The IELTS exam wasn’t that difficult. I did quite okay. However, I wonder about the criteria they use to grade the essay. I’m not quite sure whether I will get 6.0 in Writing test.”

Listening test
1) Conversation between friends. It asked to fill in author name, pictures, and details in the books
2) A guy called advertising agency to create an advertisement for his desk’s
Tasks: short answers (no more than three words), gap filling

Reading test
1) Sign language for deaf children
2) Climate effects on wealth of the nations
Tasks : Gap filling, T F Not Given, matching headings to paragraphs

Writing test

Task 1 (report)
Describe 4 bars charts, single houses, detached houses, terrace houses, and flats in 4 consecutive years

Task 2 (essay)
Discuss both positive and negative sides of fashion clothes.

Speaking test

Introduction about yourself, describe your country and where you live, your favorite gift, handmade gifts

Discuss the stage in your life that you enjoyed the most, when, where, and what you have been doing

Employment, Teenager, Tourism