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Update from a General IELTS exam, held in Spain

Do you remember this beautiful tradition we used to have, when you shared your IELTS experiences with me and I made sure they are available for many other students just like you?

I’d like to invite you all once again – let’s keep doing that, because people write and tell me it’s really helping them. Take some time to put together a quick email , let me know what country you’re from – I’ll take care of all the rest.

And now to the latest news – we have an update from Spain (thanks, Gino).

Reading test

Reading included 10 advertisements and the questions were about which ad says they want the user to provide transport, which ad says a user can get a better bargain, so you have to read carefully, because some of the adds had the same ad as answer (or at least I thought that way, don’t know whether I was right till the result comes).

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to a neighbor about the garbage problem that you have. In your letter

  • Introduce yourself
  • Explain the problem
  • Provide appropriate solution
  • Writing Task 2 (an essay)

    Small shops in towns and villages are closing and are being replaced by big stores. Do you think it is a good or a bad trend? Explain your opinion.


    They asked about my school, what I did on last weekend, and then went to ask about jobs in shifts, advantages & disadvantages.

    Well I messed up a little bit as I got a bit nervous. I suggest to everyone to stay in a relaxed mood.

    IELTS Report, topic: bar graph of water usage

    You are advised to spend a maximum of 20 minutes on this task.

    The graph below shows the annual water usage (in millions of cubic meters) by industries in Somecountry. Write a report for a university tutor describing the information shown.

    You should write at least 150 words.

    Water usage bar-graph

    The describes the water usage for every year in Somecountry in millions of cubic meters.

    usage shown by two , ground water and public supply. Fuel and textiles are the ones that use the least water, 10 of public supply and of ground water. Machinery just the opposite of these two and 10 of ground water and 100 of public supply.

    Food/drinks, metal, paper and chemicals over 100 of ground water where chemicals peaks at 430. The highest figure of water usage of public supply also belongs to chemicals (240). Next on the list is food/drinks with 190, the others are under 100.

    Overall, the chemical industry uses a lot more water than the rest of the industries in terms of both ground water and public supplies, and in general, most industries use ground water by far more than public supply.

    This is a good report, the trends are correctly noticed. Suggested improvements: use units in addition to numbers (10 of what? Millions of cubic meters). Use more connective words to smoothly move from one paragraph to another. Pay attention to grammar, see comments.

    Click here to see more IELTS reports of band 7

    bar graph
    This sentence belongs in the first paragraph
    sources of water
    It is not clear who uses 70 and who 80, and also you didn’t mentioned the units (millions of cubic meters)
    all use
    dramatically high level of