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Update from a General Training IELTS exam, Poland

Thanks a lot for sharing this, Tom!

Reading test

Passage 1. 3 Vodafone telephone plans, prices per minute, extra minutes and more related to a mobile phone plan.
Questions: Matching a statement to one of the plans.

Passage 2. A camping place ad.
Questions: True/False/NG .

Passage 3. Student’s hotel and accommodation.
Questions: True/False/NG.

Passage 4. A letter describing college courses.
Questions: Fill in the gaps.

Passage 5. Sailing and navigation, a review of progress with navigation – from early sailors up to Columbus. It mentioned the Vikings, Greeks, Italian, Egiptian and Chinese sailors and time from navigating with moon up to developing aids such as compass, etc.

Questions: matching sentences with sailors’ nationalities, matching headings to paragraphs.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to the local newspaper editor, to inform him that an article about city/town you know very well that contains some incorrect information. In your letter
– write how you know that city
– what incorrect information the article contains
– what they should do about it

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Nowadays children are less fit and healthy than they were in the past. Why is this happening? How can this problem be solved?

Speaking test


– Describe the place you live in, is it good for families?
– Describe the means of transport in your city.
– How to improve public means of transport?
– Talk about the favorite newspapers/ type of newspapers in your country.

Cue Card

Describe a cafe or a restaurant you enjoy the most. Please say
– where it is
– what kind of food they serve
– why you like this cafe/restaurant


– What kind of cafe/restaurants are there in your country?
– Talk about the social benefits of eating in a restaurant.
– What kind of factors can improve restaurants?

Update from an Academic IELTS exam, Australia

For this update we should thank Kamal – good job, pal!

Listening test

All I could remember is

Section 1. Two students were asking their professor about an assessment.
Questions: We had to fill in the blanks the kind of assessment, length requirement, other criteria.

Section 2. A student was asking about what information he can get form the company on work placement.

Reading test

Passage 1. Let’s go bats.
Passage 2. About crocodiles.
Passage 3. About an experiment involving walking on different mats and an invention called “rounded soles shoes”

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a report

There were two diagrams of an island – before and after and a comparison was needed.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Some people say that the government should pay the tuition fees for the university students, do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test


– Do you study or work?
– Do you have friends in you class?
– Would you like to be friends with them after you finish studying?
– How often do you go shopping (for clothes)?
– How important is color when we choose clothes?

Cue Card

Talk about the favorite book of your childhood.


– What is the important thing about the library in your town?
– The effect of internet on reading and writing skills.