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What is RSS feed

All you need to know about RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is that it’s a feature of a website that allows you to read articles from that website without having to visit it every time.

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How to subscribe

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Recent Academic IELTS exam

Thanks to our friends from Vietnam, I can share with you this update from a recent Academic IELTS test. Read more recent IELTS exam updates here.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)
We were given two line graphs, which showed percentages of employment amongst men and women in England from 1993 to 2000.

Writing task 2 (an essay)
In order to learn a new language well one should get to know the culture and the lifestyle of the country where it is spoken. To what extent do you agree with this idea?

Speaking test


– Can you please show me your ID?
– Do you work or are you a student?
– Where are you studying?
– Do you like it? In what way?
– Have you got many friends? How about close friends?
– What do you do to show you’re a good friend?

Cue Card

Talk about your favorite story as a child.


– How did the above story affect you?
– What are the differences between a person in a story/film and in real life?
– What are the characters of actors/actresses in movies that people in your country like?
– What could people learn after watching a film / reading a book?