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IELTS speaking: what else to expect

In the Reading or Listening sections it is quite easy to predict what will be your IELTS score. You do some tests at home, count how many questions you answered correctly, do the math – for example 34 out of 40 equals approximately Band 7.

But how do you measure yourself when it comes to the Speaking test – that’s the question!

And here comes answer: using the same criteria your examiner is going to use. I was looking for that information and found it in the IELTS official site (of all places :))

So basically this is what they say:

You belong to a Band 5 level if you

  • Keep sentences coming slowly (without pauses), repeat words and correct yourself.
  • Can use simple sentences easily, but the complex ones are difficult for you and it shows (you stop, get confused or start to repeat yourself).
  • Cannot say the same thing in a different way (rephrase) or use a synonym for a word.
  • Use grammatically correct simple sentences most of the time. It is rare that you use more complex sentences and when you do – you make grammatical errors or it is difficult to understand what you’re saying.
  • You belong to a Band 6 level if you

  • Can speak for some time keeping the right speed (like in your first language), with little difficulties when you repeat words, correct yourself or get lost in words and stop making sense.
  • Use some connective words, even if they are not always appropriate.
  • Can discuss topics (familiar or not) for a long time, using wide vocabulary and making yourself clear.
  • Successfully rephrase and use synonyms.
  • Mix simple and complex sentences when you speak, but the in complex ones you make lots of mistakes. Those mistakes are mostly grammatical and the examiner can still understand you.
  • You belong to a Band 7 level if you

  • Have no problem speaking for some time keeping the right speed (like in your first language), your speech is smooth and easy to understand, it is rare that you pause and look for a word to say, repeat or correct yourself.
  • Can discuss any topic using a lot of smart words, and you use English expressions correctly.
  • Use complex sentences without many grammatical errors. There are many more correct sentences in your speech than incorrect.
  • I gave you here the descriptions of Bands 5,6 and 7 because these are the IELTS bands most people want to know about, but you can see the full description of all bands here.

    IELTS Speaking – what to expect (a Discussion)

    The third part of the Speaking test is called a “discussion”, but guess what – you are going to do all the talking :).

    The topic of a discussion will be related to the topic of the second part (the Speech / Cue card talk), but the difference is that here you should EXPRESS AN OPINION and explain why it is what it is. This is the part where you should compare two opinions, present several points of view, say what your perception is, what future developments might follow, etc.

    This part usually takes 4-5 minutes.

    Just for you to get a feeling of what it’s like, click here to listen to recorded session , and here is the transcript, all from official IELTS site.

    This is really the part where you’ve got to have an opinion on anything and everything.

    Any topic you get, you must have something to say about. So here is a good idea – go over Speaking questions from real exams that we post here and think about them a little bit, see what vocabulary you are going to need, try to answer them taking turns with a partner or just by yourself, in front of a mirror.