IELTS exam in Colombia was shared by H. who sent us the following topics and questions. Our heartfelt thanks goes to H for the effort.
Listening test
Section 1. Health Centers, doctors and schedules.
Questions: filling in the blanks and multiple choice.
Section 2. About some study courses.
Questions: filling in the blanks.
Section 3. Orientation for new employees at a factory, including factory layout.
Questions: multiple choice, information matching.
Section 4. About robots.
Questions: filling in the blanks.
Reading test
Passage 1. About TV shows.
Questions: information matching. Each show was assigned a letter and we had to match a letter to a statement.
Passage 2. About financial investors.
Questions: Filling in the blanks.
Passage 3: About sea turtles nesting habits.
Questions: Filling in the blanks, multiple choice and True/False/Not Given.
Writing test
Writing Task 1 (a letter)
You live in an English speaking country and you want to do some voluntary work (not paid). Write a letter to the local council to let them know the following:
– Why you want to do the voluntary work.
– What your skills and experience are.
– What can you do as a volunteer.
Speaking test
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Is it easy to get a job there?
– What do you want to do for work in the future?
– Do you like shopping in big malls?
– What do you usually shop for?
Cue card
Talk about a device (not a computer) that you use very often in your home. Please say
– where and when you got it,
– what you use it for,
– how often you use it.
– Do you think computers are making people less sociable?
– How does electronic equipment change the way we work today?
– How does electronic equipment affect our health?