Why Most IELTS Test Takers Score Below Band 6 - And How YOU Can Get Band 7+
If you must take the IELTS test and this is your first time, or you have failed to reach your target score in IELTS before, please know this:
The latest official report on the IELTS website shows that people from the top 40 countries scored on average below Band 6 in Academic and General Training tests.
At the same time, most universities want you to score 7 or above - and most immigration laws require band 6.5 or higher.
Let me help you get there.

You must get a high score in IELTS, and have no idea how to do it.
How do I know this? Because I've been there, too. If any of this describes your IELTS preparation, I've got great news for you: I've had it all. And I Know How to Help.
Between you and me, does this sound familiar?
Writing a good essay is hard, because you don't have enough ideas and they take long to generate. By the time you have something to write about, there is not enough time left to finish your writing. You have trouble expressing your thoughts and the sentences come out just wrong.
Graphs are difficult to describe because you have trouble analysing them (well, you're not a scientist, are you?), and no matter how much you try, any report is taking longer than 20 minutes.
I know what it's like to always run out of time in the Reading test, because the passages are hard to understand and the questions are confusing. It's upsetting when you can't read any faster and always lose time, or concentration, especially if the texts are long.
I, too, felt the frustration of losing points on grammar, because there is no time to check your answers. I understand the desperation of not being able to achieve you target Band score, no matter what you do.
Just like you, I used to get nervous while speaking, worried about my grammar or pronunciation, and was desperately looking for the right word to say. You are not the only one whose English is often misunderstood by people, and who is convinced that unless there is someone to practice in speaking with, they will never get better.
It's not just you, whose mind goes blank when you need to speak on a topic for 2 minutes, who's left with no ideas what to say or with no words in their vocabulary.
And it's not just you who panics in the Listening section, when they go too fast, or speak with an accent, or because it's hard to concentrate and you're afraid to miss the answers.
Let's leave all that in the past. You are about to be given a step-by-step guide to IELTS preparation, that will transform your studying from frustrating, labour-intensive, long, boring and hopeless experience into an effective, focused and a much shorter one.
But how can you beat the average? Is it possible?
Yes, it is definitely possible. You CAN beat the statistics and raise your score to Band 7, possibly Band 8 - or even Band 9.
IF you're willing to listen.
Any successful IELTS test-taker knows that ...
... there is NO magic way of getting a great score in the exam.
Here is the formula: Your success depends on one thing only - the way you solve the tasks. The way you answer the questions and write your reports and essays. And people, who know the right way, get higher scores. But people who don't - score average or below.
It's really that simple.
Good news is that anyone can learn the right way quickly and easily. Even better news is that in one moment you could have access to it.
You are literally one step away from a book that is GUARANTEED to help you maximize your IELTS score. It helped thousands of students to score higher in IELTS, and it WILL help you - that's a promise.
This book is 100% GUARANTEED to maximize your IELTS score and transform your exam preparation from chaotic and frustrating to systematic, productive and enjoyable.
Introducing the must-have IELTS guide
'Target Band 7', fourth edition
Here’s What You Get & Why It Works
There are four chapters that cover all the skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking - everything that matters, everything that affects your score is explained in those chapters. The format of the exam is described in detail - after you've read the first pages of the book you will know what sections there are, how long each section takes and what you need to do in each section. The full IELTS practice test in the book will be a great chance for you to see what the real exam is like, and to practice before it.
Read this e-book in any order you like, the chapters are completely independent, so you can skip a chapter and come back to it later. If you're good at listening, but need to work on your writing, you can go straight to the Writing chapter and study it first.
You can read this 92-page e-book in one day - in case you are time-poor and have found this website just days before your exam. It WILL help you in any case, just know this: the more you practice according to the tips in this book, the better your score will be in IELTS.
Your e-book is a PDF file that can be read on any computer, laptop or mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android smart phone or tablet, etc). Take it with you anywhere - no matter what computer you have at home, at work, in your college or university, the e-book will work.
With this guide at every step you will know exactly what you're doing and why, your confidence will grow quickly thanks to the results you will be getting, and you won't be just studying - you will be preparing to maximize your IELTS score.
Why? Because after you have read it - there will be absolutely NO SURPRISES: you will know exactly what you need to do, when, why and how. You will get into your examiners' head and understand completely what they want to see.
You may be working from 8am to 6pm. You may be a student who has other exams to worry about. You may be a parent spending every waking hour, raising a family. It doesn't matter - this guide will help you fit IELTS preparation in any of your busy days.
Why? Because it summarizes all the techniques, strategies and tips you need to know and will save you tons of time and money.
Proven Success
When you finally take the IELTS exam, prepare to be surprised by your score - it might be higher than you expected.
Why? Because this guide was tested on many students with different English skills, who achieved or overshot their target score after just 1 month (sometimes less) of studying with it.
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5* Amazon Reviews
About the Author
Simone Braverman is the founder of the website IELTS-Blog.com - the ultimate free resource for IELTS self-study, visited by millions every year.
Simone's mission is to help busy people whose English is far from perfect to achieve a high score in IELTS (higher than they ever expected) after a short preparation in their spare time - even if they scored low previously, have a learning disability, too busy working 24/7 or are afraid to death of exams.
Knowing all about the difficulties of people who weren't born into English, Simone developed the solutions to their problems, which laid the foundation to her first two books that later exploded in popularity – "Ace the IELTS" and "Target Band 7".
Simone helped people from all over the world study, prepare and score high in the IELTS test. By implementing just a few her proven techniques ordinary individuals became high achievers.
Not only students and professionals, but also teachers are using her books to prepare their students for the IELTS test - and here is what they say about 'Target Band 7':
Why teachers recommend 'Target Band 7'
Gillian Hunt
IELTS tutor, UK
I find it a go-to reference resource and frequently return to it in my role as a tutor
I can easily find help with tasks I'm working on, as the book is organised by the four test areas of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. I like to dip into each section for helpful information on how to do each task.
In addition, there is a valuable pocket tips section that summarises information given earlier in the book, and this is handy for quick revision or when attempting a practice task.
A must-have is the simple writing task stages that are easy to follow along with practical phrases and vocabulary that can aid linguistic resources and writing cohesion.

Stephen Slater
Centre for English Language,
University of South Australia
A welcome resource for busy test takers
Target Band 7 breaks new ground in the IELTS materials market as its author has actually taken the IELTS test and achieved a high level! This makes the many explanations and tips really relevant and user-friendly and helps to connect the reader to the writer in an authentic way.
The book is organised into many, manageable sections, and written in a personal style, making the excellent suggestions for increasing an IELTS score easy for non-native speakers of English to access, read and to absorb.
Definitely a welcome resource for busy test takers.
D. Bottaro
IELTS Teacher, Australia
An Excellent Choice!
As an English language teacher who teaches IELTS students, I must say that I am extremely impressed with this book.
It contains important information to help students in all areas of the test. The book is based on a lot of research which has been summarised by the author so it is easy to read.
'Target Band 7' is a worthwhile investment for people who want to do their best in the IELTS test. I highly recommend it.
Table of Contents
Here is what you will learn
Free Bonuses
For a limited time you have an opportunity to get these valuable free bonuses with your copy of 'Target Band 7'.
You missed out!
Bonus 01
15 complete IELTS practice tests for download ($43 value).
The tests include
- 15 listening, reading, writing and speaking papers
- 15 sets of audio listening materials
- full transcripts of the audio with answers highlighted
- answers for the reading and listening papers
- writing answers by IELTS examiners
- 15 audio recordings of real IELTS students doing the practice speaking tests with examiner's comments and estimated score
Bonus 02
Insider information - get the unfair advantage of learning from an IELTS examiner how to raise your score by at least one whole Band.
Offering "Learn from the Examiner" series as a free bonus - $30 value. (exclusive to IELTS-Blog.com and not to be found anywhere else):
1. "How To Pass The IELTS Speaking test" - a 40-page e-book
2. "How To Pass The IELTS Writing Test" - a 36-page e-book
Bonus 03
An intensive course on maximizing your IELTS score by creating a positive image in your examiner's mind, 64 pages of tips, techniques and examples.
A full collection of Writing samples, including corrections, suggestions and an approximate Band Score. The samples range from Band 6 to Band 7.5 and include both Writing Task 1 and Task 2.
The book comes with Simone's dedicated support. Ask her any question you've got, any day, any time - get your answer in 24 hours! Drop her an email to simone[at]IELTS-blog.com and she will do her personal best to help you.
This book helps you avoid unnecessary failed exams, shattered confidence and endless studying... FOREVER.
There is no risk. Your investment is small. But your returns can be
Get 'Target Band 7' + Bonuses and Prepare to Maximize Your Score!
Just $40.95
No Risk - Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
Download 'Target Band 7' today. Get access to all the techniques, tips and advice, training materials, sample tests, resources, even the FREE BONUSES. Put 'Target Band 7' to test over the next 60 days.
And, if your preparation wasn't transformed, simply let me know and you will get a complete refund. Plus, if at any point you don't feel that 'Target Band 7' is the solution that will achieve you the score you need, just let me know and you will get a complete refund.
Here’s what people are saying about the book
Are these test takers any different than you? No, they are not. They are regular people with different English skills. The only thing they did was put their doubts aside... and give this e-book a try.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself what it's like to get a score in IELTS you never believed was possible.

Great experience preparing for the exam ... and 8.5 in IELTS Academic module!
I have completed my exam and got 8.5 in IELTS Academic module. Without your help I don't think I would be able to do it.
My reading was 9.0, speaking and listening were 8.5 and writing was 7.0. While preparing for the test I have been reading through all your e-mails.
IELTS-Blog.com helped me overall to write better, speak better, read better and listen better. It was a great experience preparing for the exam and I am keeping the benefits of this preparation not only in the form of an IELTS report form with an excellent score, but also as improved English language skills for my professional and personal life.
I just got my letter of offer from UNE for Graduate Diploma in Education. Thank you again.

At first IELTS really scared me... but the book motivated me... and I made it!
TARGET BAND 7 - sounds simple, but means a lot to me!
I've been looking at several books before preparation for my IELTS. I got so many review materials from a reviewer to practice materials, but when I heard about the book Target Band 7 - this book sounded great. And it really pleased me when I read a lot of testimonials about the book. I said, " I'LL SOON BE ONE OF THEM".
And here I am now, proud to give my testimonial. Target Band 7 is simple, but contains true and significant information about IELTS. I found it very useful in my review. At first I was really scared to take the IELTS without a proper review in a review center, but the book motivated me to do it by myself. And I made it!
I took the Academic exam, with the help of nothing but Target Band 7 book. I passed the exam, with overall band score of 7 and 8.5 speaking.
For those who want to take IELTS, try this book... and prove it yourself, be the next person who will proudly write a testimonial. Thanks Target Band 7, I owe you one.

Band 8.5 with 9 in speaking... Fantastic!
I scored a band 7 when I first gave my IELTS with a 6 in writing. I was absolutely disgruntled, but tips from successful candidates encouraged me to reappear for this exam. I made another sincere attempt to achieve band 7.5 with a respectable score in writing.
Conversely, my result went beyond my expectations as I got an 8.5 in the academic module with 9 in speaking. This was absolutely astonishing and there were no anticipations associated with the result.
So you and the book Target Band 7 deserve a huge round of applause from all those who have benefited from you. Thank you for coming to my aid.

The target was Band 8 - but I scored Band 9 in the test!
I wanted to express my gratitude to you and your team for the work that you have done and are doing by putting together the IELTS-blog and the book 'Target Band 7'.
The information in the book and from the website have helped me not only to reach my target of 8 but do even better and score a band 9 in the test!
I was quite amazed when I got the results back the other day and I know that reading your book and all the tips from the website and the daily emails have helped me achieve this, mainly by getting familiar with the test structure, omitting all the traps, and getting some practice with all of the parts of the test.

I felt secure when I took the test, I always knew what to expect, and that enabled me to do my best.
When I first learnt I had to take the test I didn't think it was that big a deal, so I signed up to take the test within a month.
Then I realized that it was a really hard test that you had to study a lot for. Luckily, I found IELTS-blog.com and it helped me to get band score 7 overall and 6.5 in Listening and Writing, 7.5 in Reading and 8 in Speaking. Before I began to practice with IELTS blog I had an overall band score of 5.5.
I felt secure when I took the test, I always knew what to expect, and that enabled me to do my best.

I got 7.5 in Academic module, applied for and won the scholarship!
Target Band 7 helped a lot in my preparation; it is very useful for those short of time for preparation. Everything in the book is easy to understand and includes the most important things and tips. I find it to be very beneficial for those who do not like spending much time preparing for IELTS.
I used other lots of materials from the web, but this book was the only one I used when I needed to repeat the material. Especially, I liked the "Writing" section, where everything is written precisely and the expressions, phrases for each kind of graphs are given. It helped me to overcome difficulties with writing as it was my weak point, I learned to write in a logical order and a great deal of conjunctions to use.
Also, I liked that the answer sheets that are given, because I was worrying that I did not know how it looks and was afraid to make mistakes while writing the answers. In addition, there are sample reports for each kind of graph and we are provided with lots of topics to practice speaking and writing.

United Kingdom
I am sure you can achieve your score in IELTS with Target Band 7 because I did it!
For the reading my biggest problem was, as for everyone else, the TIME. The 15-20-25 rules, the map and the fishing, even the scan advice gave me the time to finish the whole passage in time, even go back and check the answers again got me some easy points.
In Listening your advice helped a lot with listening carefully the speaker will give a stress for the answers and do not over-thinking.
Finally, the Writing was my 'bogeyman'. I was totally scared of the essay and even of the report, but after twice read out your comments, it looked a bit easier.
I wont lie, the first 3 reports were very hard for me, but after that I had a clear picture of what it should look like, and I memorized four or five sentences and some additional words, it went much easier than I thought, and the same happened with essays as well.

Dr. Wasani
Sri Lanka
I am a doctor by profession... My overall band is 7!
I am a doctor by profession and had to take IELTS to migrate abroad and to get registered with the medical counsel there.
I started preparing only one month before my exam. My overall band is 7! I'm happy that I could achieve this result.
Target band 7 book helped me a lot, specially to improve my writing skills. I followed all the instructions and tips given there, read sample answers again and again to get an idea of what kind of an essay and graph they expect us to write to achieve band 7, and I practised most of the reading and listening tasks given.

IELTS Band 8
This book has very useful information that you won't find in other IELTS textbooks.
In the listening section I find especially helpful the exercise on names/numbers spelling.
I also liked the strategy for the first assignment of the writing section (report). At first I thought I would never be able to write such a report. With the help of the book I learned how to interpret this graphs and charts, to see their structure and organization and to describe them properly. There are a lot of examples of graphs, charts, etc. and many practice tasks as well in this book. This is exactly what I was looking for and what is not well done in other IELTS textbooks.
The speaking section contains very good hints and examples too. Sample answers give a very clear idea of how one should speak at the test. There are also dozens of practice tasks many of which one could have at a real test. I also liked tips about the behaviour that helps to make a good impression on the examiner.

Le Van Hong
I only read your book 'Target Band 7' for one day, did one practice test and then got 6.5 overall band score.
A thank-you from Vietnam. I'm an 18 year old boy who has just taken IELTS. I only read your book "Target Band 7" for one day, did one practice test and then got 6.5 overall band score. Many thanks for your help!!!
Most of the tips in Reading & Listening parts did help me a lot.
The most useful section in your book is the Pocket Tips. I think we only need tips in that 3-page section to achieve a good result. The other sections contain explanations in order to help us understand tips in this section.
The book gave me many experiences that I normally would have to do a lot of practice tests to obtain. Time was one thing I didn't have, and your book is great for guys like me :)

I find your book the best source, because it showed me how I must work.
I find this book the best source for IELTS because it showed me how I must work.
Listening - all tips were wonderful and helped me more to improve my listening.
When I started to read I had more problems than with any other skills, I could not do it in 20 minutes, So first I read your tips and I started to do one test each day and during the day I worked on my problems.
Writing - I wrote your examples a million times or even more during one month. After that I understood what it are the main things to describe.
In IELTS exam I did not have any problem!

You virtually walked me in baby steps throughout the IELTS journey until I scored above band 7, and in just one sitting!
Celebrate with me, I am sooooooooooooo happy, sooooooo excited...
Listening 7.5
Reading 7.5
Writing 7.5
Speaking 7.0
Overall: 7.5
Your book, your advice, your tips, the skills, your encouragement... Your words...I do not have adequate words to express how grateful I am.
All the tips in Target Band 7 are so practical and so true.
You made it possible, Simone. A cutting edge practice you have is that unique mentoring touch. It's not just about purchasing IELTS material from you, but you also follow up and conduct a more individualised mentoring. You virtually walked me in baby steps throughout the IELTS journey until I scored above band 7 and in just one sitting!
United Kingdom
I received my IELTS results and they were much better than I expected. I am Band 8!
Dear Simone,
I'm extremely happy, since today I received my IELTS results and they were much better than I expected...
I am Band 8: I've scored 8.5 in Listening and Reading; 8 in Speaking and 7 in Writing. And I was so afraid about not being able to reach 6.5!
Just for the record, I could have done better in the Writing section, but I miscalculated the time. I have nothing left to say, but thank you for your great work.
I've got an overall band score of 8... your book was fundamental to my preparation
I just received my IELTS results and I am quite happy! I've got an overall band score of 8.
Personally, I can say that your book was so fundamental to my preparation that without it I think I would barely receive a 6.5. It has an excellent approach and I've already recommended it to all of my friends who think about taking the IELTS.
My detailed band score:
Listening: 7
Reading: 9
Writing: 8
Speaking: 8
Thank you so very much!
Jessie Chong
This is the MUST HAVE book if you are preparing yourself for IELTS.
I always thought IELTS is about proficiency in English but I was wrong. IELTS is all about techniques and strategies in answering the 4 components of IELTS.
I have purchased the e-book a few months ago but didn't have time to sit in front of the computer quietly to study. With the hard copy available now, I can bring it along wherever I go and it's really handy. It not only provides me with the necessary knowledge to sit for the IELTS but also improve my English generally.
Thanks Simone for writing this book and I highly recommend this book if you are preparing for IELTS.
Santosh Kumar
...believe it or not, you have changed my life as I now qualify for PR in Australia.
I am thankful to you, believe it or not, you have changed my life as I now qualify for PR in Australia.
I bought your book two days before my exam and didn't have time to practice, just read your tips two or three times and went directly to the exam centre. My result was:
Listening: 7.0
Reading: 6.5
Writing: 6.0
Speaking: 7.0
You are doing a wonderful job!
I did it! I can be a teacher in Australia!
I am a South African who lives and works in Taiwan. I am planning to move to Australia, and be a teacher there. I did a test few weeks ago and my scores were Listening: 9, Reading: 8, Speaking: 8.5, Writing: 6.5. So because of my writing I could not apply for teaching in Australia (needed Band 7).
This time, (after studying with Target Band 7) my scores are as follows: Listening: 9, Reading: 9, Writing: 7, Speaking: 8.5, overall band score: 8.5.
So I did it! I can apply for Australia!!! Thank you very much for all your help, for all the tips and exercises. It helped a lot!
Dr. Harpreet Kaur, MBBS
I needed Band 7 to register as a doctor in Australia... that book really helped me in accomplishing my goal.
Hi Simone, I have good news to tell you. I cleared my IELTS at first go. I got 7.5 in listening, 8 in reading, 8 in speaking, and 7 in writing. I have passed IELTS with 7.5 bands after failing twice in OET. You don't know what you have given me!
I am a doctor and I needed 7 in each skill in Academic IELTS to register myself as a doctor in Australia. I read your book Target band 7, and that book really helped me in accomplishing my goal. I am very thankful to you. I would advise everybody undertaking IELTS to read that book - it can really do wonders.
No one needs to go to coaching centre to get a good IELTS score, if they have 'Target Band 7'
Today I got my IELTS result. It was better than I expected - I got overall band score 7!
When I got your book and went through it, it made me confident about the IELTS exam. You pointed out most of the important things one might face in an exam.
The language of your book was very easy to read and understand. Instructions for listening section were just great. If one can follow your instructions he or she definitely will get score more than their expectation.
I was worried about reading section. But I tried to follow your instruction not to read the whole passage rather scanning the passage and creating a map.
Your routine of 21 days was great help for me. I tried to maintain this routine. It helps one to focus on every section equally.
Your book made me feel relaxed, raised my confidence, and showed me a very simple way to do better in IELTS exam. I would be happy to suggest your book for everyone who wants to take IELTS exam.
Camilla M. Trinidade
Straight to the point
This book is very helpful. It approaches the 4 skills very well. It is a very easy book to understand with an easy language, it is very specific and the tips helps you to go strait to the point this way you do not lose your precious time. This is the most important thing in this test.
I could improve a lot the 4 skills, I am writing much better and faster, with the links for exercises I could improve my reading and listening, and following the tip of the book I recorded my speaking and could see my mistakes.
Also the price is fair, not like the other materials, which are so expensive. And Simone answered all my questions very quickly, so I had more support than I thought.
I've tried other books before... they were so complicated and just made me more confused
I got 7.5 in Writing and 8.5 in Reading, Listening and Speaking.
I think your book is excellent and so simple to follow and practical. I've tried other books before and they were just so complicated and just made me more confused. I thoroughly recommend your book to the IELTS examinees because it has helped me overcome my problems with the Writing section in particular.
Prior to this my overall score was not sufficient, but now I have achieved an overall score of 8.5 which enables me to pursue my career further. My thanks once again for the help that your book has given me.
Common mistaken beliefs (tap to reveal the truth)
Attention all native English speakers, future IELTS examiners, English teachers or IELTS trainers: even if you were born and raised in an English-speaking country, or teach English for living, the truth is that you DO NEED this book - well, if you want to get a fair score, that is. If I had a coin for every time a native English speaker told me "I wonder why my answers were wrong, I was convinced they were right! This is so embarrassing...", I'd be filthy rich now.
Another reason is the crushing factor of time pressure - and we all tend to panic when there's not enough time, no matter what our first language is.
In IELTS you need to do things FAST. Of course you would get all the answers right, if you had the time. But the reality is that there are a lot of questions to be answered, a lot of writing to be done, and very little time to do it.
This guide shows you HOW TO:
* Listen, hear the right answers and write them down FAST
* Scan through the text and deal with all kinds of questions FAST
* Get your essay written FAST
* Build a speech in your head on any topic FAST
That's incorrect - IT IS more effective. The main problem of many IELTS candidates is that they focus on things that don't matter. As people are busier today than ever, time became a precious commodity and we have limited amounts of it. People, who spend their time on things that have the biggest impact on their score, get better marks. This book shows you what you SHOULD and should NOT spend the time on, thus maximizing your chances of getting a high score.
This is incorrect. If you are studying for an Academic IELTS exam, the right book for you is Target Band 7, because Ace the IELTS deals with General Training module of IELTS and there are many differences.
Not true. I am personally committed to helping you, which is why I am working 7 days a week to be available for you, when you need me. Not just me, but the whole team of the IELTS-Blog.com evaluators is working 6 days a week to help you find out what your mistakes are and how you can score much, much higher.
Make your IELTS a success with 'Target Band 7'
It's your turn to become a success story. We will proudly display your testimonial on this page!
A Personal Note From Simone
I truly hope that you choose 'Target Band 7', because I believe very strongly in what this information can do for you.
I have seen so many other people, just like you, dramatically improve their score in just a few short weeks. You can do the same. The list of people I've worked with on an individual basis is endless. Working with all of these people has provided me with something that you need, and I want to give you... experience!
You deserve a great score. Let's make sure you get it.